

First, let's set up some environmental dependencies. These just make the numerics easier and adjust some of the plotting defaults to make things more legible.

In [1]:
# Python 3 compatability
from __future__ import division, print_function
from six.moves import range

# system functions that are always useful to have
import time, sys, os

# basic numeric setup
import numpy as np

# inline plotting
%matplotlib inline

# plotting
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# seed the random number generator

In [2]:
# re-defining plotting defaults
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams.update({'xtick.major.pad': '7.0'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.major.size': '7.5'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.major.width': '1.5'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.minor.pad': '7.0'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.minor.size': '3.5'})
rcParams.update({'xtick.minor.width': '1.0'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.major.pad': '7.0'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.major.size': '7.5'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.major.width': '1.5'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.minor.pad': '7.0'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.minor.size': '3.5'})
rcParams.update({'ytick.minor.width': '1.0'})
rcParams.update({'font.size': 30})

In [3]:
import dynesty

The "Eggbox" likelihood is a helpful case that demonstrate Nested Sampling's ability to properly sample/integrate over multi-modal distributions.

In [4]:
# define the eggbox log-likelihood
tmax = 5.0 * np.pi
def loglike(x):
    t = 2.0 * tmax * x - tmax
    return (2.0 + np.cos(t[0] / 2.0) * np.cos(t[1] / 2.0)) ** 5.0

# define the prior transform
def prior_transform(x):
    return x

# plot the log-likelihood surface
plt.figure(figsize=(10., 10.))
axes = plt.axes(aspect=1)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0., 1., 50),
                     np.linspace(0., 1., 50))
L = loglike(np.array([xx, yy]))
axes.contourf(xx, yy, L, 50,
plt.title('Log-Likelihood Surface')

# ln(evidence)
lnz_truth = 235.88

Let's sample from this distribution using multi-ellipsoidal decomposition.

In [5]:
dsampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler(loglike, prior_transform, ndim=2,
                                        bound='multi', sample='unif')

Let's first start by sampling with a focus on deriving the evidence.

In [6]:
dsampler.run_nested(dlogz_init=0.01, nlive_init=500, nlive_batch=500,
                    wt_kwargs={'pfrac': 0.0}, stop_kwargs={'pfrac': 0.0})
dres_z = dsampler.results

iter: 14160 | batch: 2 | bound: 24 | nc: 1 | ncall: 70539 | eff(%): 20.074 | loglstar:   -inf < 242.995 < 241.904 | logz: 235.849 +/-  0.078 | stop:  0.845                                           

Now let's add samples with a focus on deriving the posterior.

In [7]:
dsampler.run_nested(dlogz_init=0.01, nlive_init=500, nlive_batch=500,
                    wt_kwargs={'pfrac': 1.0}, stop_kwargs={'pfrac': 1.0})
dres_p = dsampler.results

iter: 18740 | batch: 10 | bound: 51 | nc: 1 | ncall: 50842 | eff(%): 36.859 | loglstar: 238.141 < 242.999 < 242.706 | logz: 236.006 +/-  0.109 | stop:  0.995                                         

Finally, let's switch to using 'balls'.

In [8]:
dsampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler(loglike, prior_transform, ndim=2,
                                        bound='balls', sample='unif')
dsampler.run_nested(dlogz_init=0.01, nlive_init=500, nlive_batch=500,
                    wt_kwargs={'pfrac': 0.0}, stop_kwargs={'pfrac': 0.0})
dres_z2 = dsampler.results

iter: 18259 | batch: 3 | bound: 31 | nc: 1 | ncall: 92456 | eff(%): 19.749 | loglstar:   -inf < 242.998 < 241.707 | logz: 235.804 +/-  0.064 | stop:  0.826                                           

Let's see how we did.

In [9]:
from dynesty import plotting as dyplot

fig, axes = dyplot.runplot(dres_z, color='blue')
fig, axes = dyplot.runplot(dres_z2, color='red', lnz_truth=lnz_truth,
                           truth_color='black', fig=(fig, axes))

In [10]:
fig, axes = dyplot.cornerplot(dres_p, quantiles=None, color='darkviolet',
                              span=[[0, 1], [0, 1]],
                              fig=plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10)))